I love this comment. It needs to be here and at the top.
And I agree with you on some levels but on others we may need more of a dialog. This article is written from very White perspective and it captures mostly White men made. I feel it is superficial first step that I myself, feel barely confident to share. My hope is, that this capture is a way to get that noise out of the way for us all to explore more deeply.
I have struggled with this particular piece for a while. I still don't have a complete picture. This is what I am able to making using my knowledge and skills. I feel very strange reporting back on history I have not been a part of, and as a non-really academic, a migrant my depth of language is probably not the best either.
Maybe I can adjust some wording. I am trying to capture the 40 years + years "co-design" as a term has existed.
In no way am I erasing co-participatory frameworks from history. I made a conscious decision to not take from First nations peoples and write their story for them. I want someone with a deeper understanding an connection to write that piece and make this privileged, white, male version redundant.